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On Wednesday, January 3rd, the Samia Mehdi Gallery opened its doors to host an evening dedicated to the iconic works of Salvador Dali. The event attracted an enthusiastic crowd eager to explore the captivating creations of the renowned surrealist artist.

At the heart of this memorable evening, music also played a central role. Guests were transported by the piano concert of Melchior Rüfenacht, a promising talent hailing from the Geneva Conservatory. His virtuosity added an extra dimension to the artistic experience.

While attendees delighted in Dali's fascinating works, another aspect of art was also celebrated. Maison Valmont, renowned for its treasures of luxury Swiss cosmetics, offered participants the opportunity to discover the alliance between art and beauty. Their exquisite products added an extra touch of elegance to this unforgettable evening.

Overall, the vernissage at the Samia Mehdi Gallery was much more than a simple art event. It was a celebration of creativity, music, and beauty, where each element intertwined to offer an unparalleled sensory experience.

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